The simulation working group will be dedicated to the development of common simulation packages, tools, and radiation models. There will be two lines of activities that will be pursued: TCAD tools and so-called Monte Carlo (MC) tools. While the former is commonly used in sensor design, process simulation, and radiation damage modeling the latter are extensively tested in sensor performance evaluation benefiting from much faster code and integration of other software packages.
Another important activity in WG4 will be the continuation of radiation hardness (bulk and surface) modeling, starting from the defect level using mainly TCAD, but also MC tools. Radiation hardness models for wide bandgap semiconductors (WBS) will be explored and developed. The WG4 will be an important part of many working groups and work packages: it will contribute to the simulations of sensor development and performance in WG1 and WG2, it will collaborate with WG3 to incorporate in the simulation the latest understanding of radiation damage, it will be used to optimize the developments of common tools (WG5), and will facilitate the use of WBS (WG6) by incorporating their properties in the simulation package.
Marco Mandurrino (
Håkan Wennlöf (
DRD3 Scientific Proposal (v3.1): pdf
WG4 list of involved institutes and contact persons (accessible only to "drd3-community-subscribers" members): pdf
Upcoming Events
WG4 General Meeting #10 (online), Mar 17, 2025, 15:00 (CET): Indico Agenda
6th Allpix Squared User Workshop, Nikhef (Amsterdam), May 7–9, 2025: Indico Agenda
Past Events
basic course on TCAD simulations at the DRD3 AIDAInnova TCT School, Mar 4–6, 2025, CERN: Indico Agenda | Contribution | Lecture Recording
WG4 General Meeting #09 (online), Mar 3, 2025, 15:00 (CET): Indico Agenda | Meeting Recording (Passcode: hS75=dzF)
WG4 General Meeting #08 (online), Feb 10, 2025, 15:00 (CET): Indico Agenda | Meeting Recording
2nd DRD3 Collaboration Week (in person), CERN, Dec 2–6, 2024: Indico Agenda
WG4 General Meeting #07 (online), Nov 11, 2024, 15:00 (CET): Indico Agenda | Meeting Recording
WG4 General Meeting #06 (online), Oct 21, 2024, 15:00 (CEST): Indico Agenda | Meeting Recording
WG4 General Meeting #05 (online), Oct 7, 2024, 15:00 (CEST): Indico Agenda | Meeting Recording
WG4 General Meeting #04 (online), Sep 16, 2024, 15:00 (CEST): Indico Agenda
WG4 General Meeting #03 (online), Sep 2, 2024, 15:00 (CEST): Indico Agenda
WG4 General Meeting #02 (online), Aug 5, 2024, 15:00 (CEST): Indico Agenda
WG4 General Meeting #01 (online), Jul 22, 2024, 15:00 (CEST): Indico Agenda
1st DRD3 Collaboration Week (in person), CERN, Jun 17–21, 2024: Indico Agenda
1st WG4 Scientific Preparatory Meeting (online), Jun 3, 2024, 10:00 AM (CEST): Indico Agenda
5th Allpix Squared User Workshop, May 22–24, 2024: Indico Agenda
Research Results
Literature review on 4H-SiC TCAD parameters (J. Burin et al. from HEPHY, Austria):
- ch.1 (permittivity)
- ch.2 (impact ionization)
- ch.3 (incomplete ionization)
- ch.4 (DOS mass)
- ch.5 (bandgap)
- ch.6 (recombination)
- ch.7 (mobility)
Open Positions
two-year "Scientist for Device Simulation" postdoc position at DESY (expired on Sep 8, 2024)
Useful Links and Tools
WG4 contact email: drd3-wg4-conveners
WG4 meetings: Indico Page
WG4 e-group (self subscription with admin approval): drd3-wg4-simulations
WG4 Mattermost channel: link