Viewing documents:
We have a set of document collections in the CDS system of CERN that can be accessed through the following link:
They are partly restricted (see below for details).
Submission of documents:
If you have submission rights on the collection, you can submit via the following link:
> Research and Computing
>> Experimental Physics: other experiments/projects
>>> DRD3 >> >> select adequate document sub-collection
DRD3 collections:
General documents:
- DRD3 Papers (& Drafts)
- Collections: “DRD3 Papers [public]” and “DRD3 Papers Drafts [restricted]”
- Contents: collaboration wide papers and publications by single authors/group of authors on behalf of DRD3 (e.g. conference proceedings)
- Approval: uploaded in DRAFT collection (restricted) and after approval goes to the public collection; contents is undergoing collaboration wide review process before approval
- DRD3 Framework Publications (& Drafts)
- Collections: “DRD3 Framework publications [public]” and “DRD3 Framework publications [restricted]”
- Contents: publications of DRD3 members in framework of DRD3; publications contain an acknowledgement “work performed in framework of DRD3” or “work partly performed in framework of DRD3”
- Approval: uploaded in DRAFT collection (restricted) and after approval goes to the public collection; only proper citations of other works and acknowledgement of DRD3 are checked/reviewed, contents undergoes outside collaboration peer-review process
- DRD3 Notes (& Drafts)
- Collections: “DRD3 Notes [public]” and “DRD3 Notes Drafts [restricted]”
- Contents: DRD3 public notes on e.g. recommendations on how to perform measurements; which parameters to use for TCAD simulations, technical drawings of public interest
- Approval: uploaded in DRAFT collection (restricted) and after approval goes to the public collection; contents is undergoing a collaboration-wide review process
- DRD3 Internal Notes (& Drafts) [restricted to DRD3 collaboration members]
- Collections: “DRD3 Internal Notes [restricted]” and “DRD3 Internal Notes Drafts [restricted]”
- Contents: DRD3 internal notes on e.g. validation studies for publications; scientific work that will not be published otherwise;
- Approval: uploaded in DRAFT collection (restricted) and after approval goes to the restricted collection of notes; contents is undergoing a collaboration-wide review process
- DRD3 Theses (& Drafts)
- Collections: “DRD3 Theses” and “DRD3 Theses DRAFT”
- Contents: Theses produced in framework of DRD3;
- Approval: uploaded in DRAFT collection (restricted) and after approval goes to the public collection; contents is undergoing a check for proper citations and proper context as well as mention of DRD3; full review done by the University in charge of the PhD
- DRD3 Collaboration Documents [public]
- Collections: “DRD3 Collaboration Documents” and “DRD3 Collaboration Documents DRAFTS”
- Contents: public admin docs, templates for work packages and projects
- Types: Administrative, Templates, Agenda Meeting, Minutes Meeting, Other
- Approval:
CB documents:
- DRD3 Collaboration Documents Restricted (& Drafts) [restricted to CB/SG members]
- Collections: “DRD3 Collaboration Documents Restricted”
- Contents: DRD3 internal documents in matters of CB: MOU and updates; CB minutes; DRD3 common projects applications with funding matrix, WPs,….
- Types: MoU, Work packages, Administrative, Templates, Agenda Meeting, Minutes Meeting, Other
- Approval:
Project documents:
- DRD3 Projects (& Drafts) [restricted to DRD3 collaboration members]
- Collections: “DRD3 Projects” and "DRD3 Projects Drafts"
- Contents: Project proposals and Work Packages.
- Approval: uploaded as draft project and upon approval to go into the project collection
Restrictions on the DRD3 collections
Access restrictions and rights are organized in three independent groups: general / CB / projects with the following settings:
- General documents
- access: DRD3 collaboration members
- submission/review: DRD3 collaboration members
- approval: DRD3 spokespersons/CB-chairs/CB-members/WG conveners
- CB documents
- access: DRD3 collaboration board members / egroup: drd3-cb
- submission/review: DRD3 collaboration board members / egroup: drd3-cb
- approval: DRD3 spokespersons/CB-chairs
- Project documents
- access: DRD3 collaboration members
- submission/review: DRD3 collaboration members
- approval: DRD3 spokespersons/CB-chairs
These access restrictions are handled by egroups as listed here: DRD3/egroups
Many thanks to Nicola from the CERN CDS team for explaining us the CDS system and implementing our collections [Michael July 2024]