Open positions

Date of announcemnt
Opening Description and links

PhD positions 

9/1/2025 Saclay

PhD description:
This PhD is devoted to research and development of pixels detectors based on the DoTPiX technology and on their characterization. These pixel detectors should be used for particle physics experiments with e+e-colliders. First the successful candidate should establish what accurate vertexing (primary and secondary
vertices) can reveal for the physics studied here. In the meantime he (she) should take part in the development of these technologies especially the one use in the DoTPiX project in order to characterize a reduced dimensions prototype. This technology under study and requiring a strong human and equipment support are on their way to make marked progress with respect to CMOS sensors , increasing their speed an reducing their pixel size.  For this purpose, the candidate should work with the IRFU’s collaborating institutes on three main topics.
• Crystal growth (Ge, Si, epitaxial) needed for the implementation of pixels on silicon
• Development of the MOS Si/SiGe/technologies needed for pixels arrays
• Simulation and characterization of the pixel structures
Both nanoscience and/or physics background are required.  The candidate will have to take part in epitaxy and characterization work on thin-sandwiched Si/Ge on silicon layers, in order to obtain substrates that will be used for the fabrication of DoTPiX devices. Afterwards n-channel MOS transistor structures will be fabricated, for first electrical tests and then to be able to evaluate their detection ability when organised
in a pixel array. For that purpose, the candidate can make simple in-lab experiments with light and X-ray photons, before going to beam tests on accelerators.    During this research the candidate should evaluate many characteristics, such as the band offset  of the germanium quantum well, the inter-diffusion in the Ge/Si system and the gate oxide that will be used, as well as the behavior this structure under irradiation.
With the ongoing collaborations, we will obtain a final testable object if the expected bottlenecks related to the physics and chemistry of the materials are then lifted. As a background activity, the candidate should pursue the simulations that started at the beginning of this R&D.  

Please contact for further information: FOURCHES Nicolas <>

9/1/2025 UZH

---- Description --- PhD positions ---

We invite applications for two PhD positions in experimental particle physics at the University of Zurich (UZH) in the field of detector R&D for particle physics research. We are interested in finding outstanding, strongly motivated candidates with the drive to pursue important new research technologies in silicon detectors for particle physics applications. Our groups play a major role in the CMS pixel-detector upgrade, as well as data analysis, software, and operations of the CMS detector. We are engaged in silicon detector R&D efforts including precision timing detectors using pixelated low-gain avalanche (LGAD) detectors as well as light-weight, monolithic active pixelated sensors (MAPs) for future collider-physics applications.

A master's degree or diploma in physics and a particle physics education are required. Research experience in experience in instrumentation for experimental particle physics, experience with electronics, and good software skills are desirable. Experience with detector simulation is also beneficial. The ideal candidates will have interest and experience with silicon detector instrumentation.

Applicants should upload a cover letter, curriculum vitae, research statement, publication list, and arrange two or more letters of recommendation to be submitted by the reference writers at:

Materials should be received by Feb. 10th. Complete applications will be considered immediately. Applications received after that date will be considered until the position is filled. 

Inquiries concerning the positions can be made to Prof. Ben Kilminster ( and Prof. Florencia Canelli (

More information about the group can be found at

14/11/2024 PhD position at PSI/University of Fribourg, Switzerland

The project involves the development of an LGAD-based detector for soft X-ray detection and the improvement of the position resolution by interpolation, also with machine learning. The deadline for applications is December 12th 2024.

10/4/2024 CMS group at ETH on DMAPS The CMS group at ETH Zurich has PhD positions available in the development of generic DMAPS detector development within the context of DRD3:

CMOS sensor design for LHCb 

[PhD position] CMOS sensor design for LHCb UT at IRFU, Saclay, France | DRD3 - R&D on Semiconductor Detectors (

Post doc positions

9/1/25 UZH

We invite applications for a postdoc position at the University of Zurich (UZH) in detector R&D for particle physics research.  We are interested in finding outstanding, strongly motivated candidates with the drive to pursue important new research technologies in silicon detectors for particle physics applications.  Our groups play a major role in the CMS pixel-detector upgrade, as well as data analysis, software, and operations of the CMS detector.  We are engaged in silicon detector R&D efforts including precision timing detectors using pixelated low-gain avalanche (LGAD) detectors as well as light-weight, monolithic active pixelated sensors (MAPs) for future collider-physics applications.      

A PhD in experimental particle physics and research experience in detector instrumentation are required. Experience with electronics, and good software skills are desirable.  Experience with detector simulation and analysis is also beneficial.  The ideal candidates will have interest and experience with silicon detector instrumentation.  

Applicants should upload a cover letter, curriculum vitae, research statement, publication list, and arrange three or more letters of recommendation to be submitted by the reference writers at:

Materials should be received by Feb. 10th.  Complete applications will be considered immediately. Applications received after that date will be considered until the position is filled.

Inquiries concerning the position can be made to Prof. Ben Kilminster ( and Prof. Florencia Canelli (

More information about the group can be found at


17/12/2024 NIKHEF

We would like to advertise the following vacancy available at Nikhef researching pixelated sensors on  Silicon Carbide with internal gain applied in fast timing  and also in Time of flight experiments.More information can be found at:

8/11/2024 HIP - Helsinki

Please find the announcement of a post-doc position at HIP in Helsinki, Finland (main focus : CMS upgrade)

11/11/2024 University of Hawaii at Manoa

This position is focused on the operation
and hardware/firmware development for the KLM detector. The position is
renewable annually for up to five years, depending on performance and

12/11/2024 INFN - Bari

Development and characterization of silicon detectors for high-energy collider experiments.The Bari group is involved in the development of particle detectors based on Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS)
for the ALICE ITS3 upgrade and future trackers for the ePIC experiment at the EIC and ALICE 3 at the LHC.

5/8/2024 MAPS device simulation and test beam characterisation

A 2 y post doc position at DESY on MAPS device simulations and test beam charachterization. Please  contact: and . Dealine 8/9/2024.

22/4/4024 Test and operation of CMOS Sensors at University Frankfurt  Link with job description and contacts.

Postdoctoral Research Associate (Detector Scientist to Develop Novel Sensors for Physic Experiments)

Postdoctoral Research Associate (Detector Scientist to Develop Novel Sensors for Physic Experiments) - Grade 7 | DRD3 - R&D on Semiconductor Detectors (
22/4/2024 The LBNL ATLAS group on ITk Barrel The LBNL ATLAS group in Berkeley has a position for a Project Scientist to work on the ITk Barrel Strip System | DRD3 - R&D on Semiconductor Detectors (

Senior positions

1/6./2024 R&D position Position for a researcher on Silicon Detectors (SiPM et al) at FBK, Italy.
7.2.2025 Senior Research Associate

We are looking to appoint a Senior Research Associate to lead our detector development activities in the Freiburg LHCb group. This notably includes our contributions to the LHCb Mighty Tracker project, alongside other R&D activities. The post is initially limited to three years and has the option to become permanent. For more details please refer to the advert. Feel free to get in touch if you like to discuss anything concerning the position.


Engineering positions

28/8/2024 Electronics engineer at University of Glasgow 

Please find below the job advert for a two-year duration electronics engineer position in the Glasgow LHCb group, to work on the electronics for the Upgrade 2 Mighty Tracker and VELO projects any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with Lucia (, Paul ( or Mark (