WG2 - Interconnections

Our collaboration combine a large amount of knowledge and capabilities on achieving complex interconnect for hybrid detectors.

  • Bump-bonding technology for pixel detectors
  • Wire-bonding for ASIC interconnect to services
  • Connectors and PPO type interface for pixel detector modules
  • Emerging interconnect methodologies and R&D tools

Providers of these interconnect technologies are sometime industrial, sometime in the community , sometime in between. Important question often arise :

  • What are the typical cost associated to it?
  • What are the technological steps, is is compatible with my project?
  • Who are the people to contact, what is the procedure?
  • Is there collaboration opportunities with the industry ?
  • What are the important procedures, how do I do this in my lab ?

This webpage intend to gather the important information to get started with interconnects for hybrid detectors and get into contact with the relevant experts able to provide solutions for your project from R&D up to production. 



  • Mathieu Benoit (benoitm@ornl.gov)


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